Frequently Asked Questions

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We are not able to predict how many people will be attending each month. People sign up, people cancel, people make their deposit payments and do not show up, so we simply never know and there is nothing we can do to control that. Our average attendance is 12.
We do not have any permanent location. When your attendance is confirmed you will be informed of the location for your session
Yes, IF you follow our training & job search directions.
Campers who actively pursue the job resources we provide find work quickly.
We have several ways to help you find work as a Set or Office P.A. after you finish the training.
We provide recent printouts of various websites and production listings. (This does not include Craig’s List or Mandy) IF YOU COMPLETE both days of our 2-day training we also give your name and contact info to the many shows that contact us requesting our P.A.’s.
No. It is not possible to conduct a training program on an active set.
At our training location, there is NO “movie” equipment, no camera, no lights and no actors.
No. The industry itself does not look kindly upon being GIVEN a P.A. ALL A.D.’S, ALL P.O.C.’S and A.P.O.C.’s want the freedom of choosing who they hire. The choice they make is for a P.A. who is an asset to their show. Shows hire P.A.’s who are useful, NOT useless. We cannot force anyone to hire you. What we do, is make their choice of who to hire easier by providing shows with the types of P.A.’s we know they want on set, in the production office, in the Art Dept. working with Costumes, and so on.
You will be standing up throughout both days a few hours EACH day. There are no push ups, no sit ups, and no obstacle course.
No. There are no exceptions to any of our payment policies.